Akheu literacy

Verse of the day

Tsaoq doel pheeljaq nail bhaoqaiq lavqkhoel-ai tsaoq doel pheeljaq nail tsaol-aq yaoq gaq yaoq-ao nee ol ol-ail ya tsaoq jao nail ngaol. Aqyu juq luq-ail seil-ail nia nail aqeiv nail uqtsaoq ya dai, laijai nail ngaol. Thailhai ngaol-aoq, ngadao neq, maq luq maq seil-ail nia nail uqtsaoq bhai ya dai, laijai thailthaiq nail ngaol.

Gaolliqthu Meenq Bhai Jaol Nail Khali Yaq Bhai Gevq Bhiq-A Nail Haoqgavq Iqmoeq Khe Keiv 9:25

Al lal lal deel hal pov-ail thaq nail ganl

Jaiq yaq nail ganq je

Bhaiq hao aq nia nail ganl

Akheu literacy
Akheu literacy
Akheu literacy
Akheu literacy
Akheu literacy
Akheu literacy

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