Verse of the day

Alheel ngel-i mail, Miqyail uvthaiq nail lavqkhoel bhai aqmeeq-ai jaol yaoq. Neivq heeqphaq bhai lav tsoiq yaoq. Lav tsoiq haq neq, aivq nuljuq jaol nail nee tsaoq dol-aivq nail ngaol.

Yaqkov-I Mail Gevq-A Nail Haoqgavq 4:7

Miqyail nail gal duq genl dev yaq

Gaol kheel tsaol jeq-e nee tavq nail maol khoel

Tsiq eeq 117  tsaol jeq-e iq sanl Miqyail bhai tsiq eeq yaoq


Geeq laoq ya dei


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